Sunday, January 30, 2005

M and his coffee

So I was trying to catch M's reflection in the cup of coffee he was drinking, see, but he kept on slurping the coffee and ruining the reflection. Also, since it was a very small reflective surface and the light was dim in the restaurant, I couldn't get at what I was seeing.

So I set the camera down on the table between us and started devouring my clubhouse on rye.

While I munched at and murmurred around my sandwich, M picked up the camera. Training it on his by-now half-empty cup, he imperiously ordered me to "stop shaking the table." I made an indecent, mayonnaise-smeared gesture, and so we were even.

Except when we processed the pictures; then, I was jealous not only that he'd captured the spirit of what I'd been going for but also that he'd eaten more than his share of the fries...

There's no fairness in the world, I tell you...


Brenda Schmidt said...

Great pics you two!

Anonymous said...

I like both pics. I like how if I hadn't read your description, it would take a while to grasp Mike's.

Mmm fries. How I miss them.

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