Tuesday, February 01, 2005


This past summer, I stayed at the MWG's Patricia Blondal Memorial Retreat in Arnes, Manitoba, where I spent three weeks in and out of the sun, walking most days, shooting most days, but not writing much.

I took hundreds of photos during those three weeks, training myself on that familiar, non-picturesque landscape of highway and mowed ditches and finding the angles from which I could see.

Grass-sun (Arnes, Manitoba. July 2004)

Grass-barn (Arnes, Manitoba. July 2004)

This month, I've spent three weeks in and out of the bright sun of winter, only walking the length of parking lots (the car to the door the door to the car) and bookstore aisles, and only when I had to. Not shooting or writing much but seemingly spending all my time absorbing the monochrome.

This past weekend, I went walking in Assiniboine Forest, my favorite place to shoot in all of Winnipeg. Very picturesque, even in waist-deep snow, but all the usual angles were obscured.

Snow-tree (Assiniboine Forest, Winnipeg. January 2005)

Path-trees (Assiniboine Forest, Winnipeg. January 2005)


Brenda Schmidt said...

Lovely, A. Especially the grass-sun. I look forward to walking in that forest...

Brenda Schmidt said...

I should've made two paragraphs out of my comment - I know the grass-sun shot is not a forest shot :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos Ariel. Gorgeous! Great blog. I'll be back. b