Assiniboine Forest was full of soupy puddles, dogs that chased you into the underbrush, and signs that said: "Don't be a poop, please scoop!"

Though not a fan of off-the-leash dogs in on-leash parks, I sipped my take-out tea and stretched my legs happily after spending the better part of the last two months in front of the computer, comparing and contrasting, citing wildly.
I was also trying out a new camera, a gift from M and my first exclusively-owned-by-me camera.
Anyways, here are some of my favourite pics from the day.
In other news, I've been writing a lot lately, though nothing that would fit into either of my current manuscripts. Poems of the moment they are.
Hopefully one or two of those poems will make it up here sometime soon...
I'm also embarking on a new project called A Poem A Day In May. Myself and a friend (and whomever else wants to join us) will be writing a poem a day during the month of May and posting them to a blog.

All photos: Assiniboine Forest, Wpg., MB. April 26, 2005.
As I noted on that site, the poems will more than likely be rough first drafts, should be a splendid exercize.
And who doesn't need exercize?
1 comment:
Lovely! Especially the top one.
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