Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Hey all,

I just lumbered over to fellow Winnipegonian Ken Kowal's blog and discovered this nifty poem on the Antiques Roadshow...

...apparently, the poem had its genesis (ha!) from my mid-week rant on banality (derived, obviously, from my underlying fear of being ordinary).

In the comments on the post, Ken wonders if he has to thank me on his acknowledgements page when the book with that poem comes out. I say he does. I say everyone has to, even if I have not provided them with poetic subjects.

(I watched two episodes of the Antiques Roadshow yesterday...)


Ken Kowal said...

i'll have my people call your people

what font would you prefer?

is 12 pt big enough?

Ariel Gordon said...

I so wish I had people...do you have any extra?

(Arial narrow, 12 pt.)

Ken Kowal said...

i have placed an acknowledgement
at the beginning of the post

was thinking this week about writing a poem called:

God on My Name is Earl

but yesterday's episode
beat me to it

Ariel Gordon said...

Oh, that's completely hilarious! Bravo!