Thursday, January 25, 2007

the creative process

From The Telegraph by way of Bookninja:

"I erase, I delete, I rant, I change things, I feel hounded and persecuted, I curse." - Georges Remi, on his creative process.

I spent many hours in the library-cum-cafeteria of my elementary school, reading French comics like Lucky Luc, Tin Tin, and Asterix and Obelix in the pursuit of fluency.

Luckily, I was oblivious to much of the racist and sexist subtext in said comics, and focused mostly on the bonking (and by bonking, I mean a menhir to the head, you dirty bird you...).

What I wouldn't give for a stack of French comics now and a drowsy afternoon in which to peruse them...instead, I spend much of my time erasing, deleting, ranting, changing things, feeling hounded and persecuted, and cursing.

(I'm especially good at feeling hounded and persecuted.)


a kings cross muse said...

I remember when my means of creating were broken. I had no computer, no piano. Boy was I grumpy.
I was forced into drowsy afternoons. And thank goodness too ..... in the end I sat for a day reading enid blyton books I'd read as an 8 yr old....fantastic.

Asterix and Obelix in the school library .... me too.

Ariel Gordon said...

Hey muse,

Thanks for dropping by - and for sharing my love of the ellipse.