None of them sold, which was humbling, but it gave me the opportunity to make enormous (20x30) prints of some of my mushroom pics and to live with same over the past year.
This year, the application was tucked in my mailbox and, all month, I intended to fill it out. But then I went on tour, which drained me of all logistics-savvy (so many emails just to arrange to be in a room with people and read them poems!), and immediately afterwards, I had several big (lit) deadlines.
So I missed the application deadline.
Luckily, the Art from the Heart administratrix was sympathetic to my excuses and let me get in a late application. Which meant that when I heard back from her, I had three days before I had to submit the actual art.
Which would work for a painter, say, because they'd just trot down three finished canvasses, assuming they had three finished canvasses to trot down. But given that I'm working in the photographic medium, I didn't have exhibition-sized images on hand.
And, of course, the photofinisher mis-printed the photos (technically, the scans, as I decided to submit three of my recent collages: pinked, horn, and, violet), so we had to have them re-printed.
Today we picked up the images (16X20 this year) and marched straight to the Artists Emporium to figure out a way to mount them that didn't include foam core, which I dislike, because the edges get all smushed, even with a minimum of handling.
The in-house framer suggested a combination of foam core and an arty cardboard whose name I can't recall, so M will be wielding the ruler & exacto tonight.
Lots of logistics and knife-wielding, but, somehow, having pieces in the show redeems this madcap year.
(Thanks, as always, to M, for all his help on such projects...)
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