Tuesday, March 17, 2009


All photos Assiniboine Forest, Winnipeg, MB. March 15, 2009.

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We came out of a family brunch late Sunday afternoon into sunlight so bright and lemony as to make me giddy. And as we drove to the forest, having pre-packed a complement of rubber boots and cameras, I suddenly remembered the best version of me.

All winter, it's been tucked into a pocket like clumsy origami (is that a bird? a boat?) but now that spring is mostly here, it's been slowly unfolding.

At the forest, I mostly crouched over shrubbery and stumps with M's camera in hand while M pulled poor sickly Aa in her wagon.

We benefited from the last of the snow, which smoothed out the path and permitted said wagon but I benefited from M's grace in the face of my excited leaps from path-side to ditch and back.

He wanted to be there and shooting as much as I did but he turned himself into a papa packhorse instead.

So thanks to Aa for being patient in her recuperation and to M for everything, as always...

1 comment:

Brenda Schmidt said...

How lovely! I can picture you guys. It warms my heart.

Lovely pics.