Friday, December 18, 2009

Done and done!

In in a fit of get-it-off-my-desk-i-ness, I submitted my perfectly imperfect manuscript to Palimpsest Press, who in the weeks and months to come will turn it into my first trade publication.

I've got a teetering stack of must-read to attend to now and all the to-ings and fro-ings that surround the holidays, but I must say I feel, well, um, good.

Partly that's because somewhere along the line, I finally stopped mentally referring to the ms. as that-hateful-thing and sort of started a muted-sure-to-be-fleeting sense of accomplishment at having produced such-a-thing.

And so, I'd like to thank my editor Jeanette Lynes for all the ruthless/gentlenesses.

Thanks too to Dawn Kresan, poet/publisher, for her patience with all my moving-house-related foolishness.

I can't wait to see this stack of paper turn into a g-d book!