Tuesday, January 12, 2010


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Today was the first time this winter that I've been able to go for a walk in Assiniboine Forest.

I had very properly decided that, despite the good weather, I had too much work to do to go for a walk.

Then I put my jacket on, located my camera, located an extra set of batteries (because, sob, I couldn't remember the last time the camera had been used), and threw myself in the car.

I didn't even bring a few of the books from my must-read pile, even though they'd been next to my bag and would have gotten me a pass for a working-lunch.

I got jumped on twice by dogs. Whose owners didn't apologize. I got snow on the camera. The snow itself was beat-up and flabby, being the only deep snowfall we've had so far this winter.

But the sun was shining - not bright and brilliant but bent and warm, somehow - and I was marching along gleefully ignoring everyone else, looking for something worth shooting, looking for that blue-ish lichen that sometimes catches my eyes on winter walks. Just looking.

The only thing that would have made it any better is being able to dip my shooting-chilled hands in M's warm pockets.

The only thing that will make it better is figuring out how to get there as many times as possible during this warm snap.

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All photos Assiniboine Forest, Winnipeg, MB. January 12, 2010.


Brenda Schmidt said...

Lovely pics, dear A!

Ariel Gordon said...

Thanks, B!

Ian LeTourneau said...

great photos and great titles for each!

Ariel Gordon said...

Thanks, Ian! My titles vary wildly, depending on how tired I am when processing the pics. I like to think the pics are more consistent...