Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hump-day: the video

...or at least one of them, the one that documents the beginning of the launch. And the telling of what Tracy and I came to call "the tit story" during our tour.

It's grainy, I know, but that's mostly because it was shot on my point-and-shoot.

I'm going to build a slide show of the various still images over the next day or so too but thought I'd post this...

(Gory!) Fun!


BionicPerry said...

I shouldn't have sat so close to Mike. All I hear is my infernal giggling! Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh! ;-)

Ariel Gordon said...

It wouldn't have been the same without your infernal giggling, Perry!

Brenda Schmidt said...

So nice to see this!