Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hands on: Susan Musgrave

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After her panel on making poetry "more visible" at the League of Canadian Poets conference, Musgrave clasped and reclasped her hands against her belly.

She mentioned that she frequently finds herself rubbing the bony brainpan of her bird ring.

Then she clasped her hands against her belly. And shifted and clasped them again, differently.

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Susan Musgrave's most recent novel was Cargo of Orchids (Knopf, 2000) and latest collection of poetry was Obituary of Light: the Sangan River Meditations (Leaf Press, 2009). She has been nominated, and has received awards, in five different categories of writing: poetry, fiction, non-fiction, personal essay, children's writing and for her work as an editor. She teaches poetry in the University of British Columbia's Optional-Residency MFA in Creative Writing Programme. She lives on Haida Gwaii.


intellectualharlot said...

I can not get over how much I love these hand photographs. So evocative...who knew a pair of hands could tell as much of a story as a face?

Love her rings, especially that long silver one on the left index finger. What is it?

Ariel Gordon said...

I believe its a bird skull. I can't speak to which species its meant to represent. And thanks.