Monday, November 12, 2012


I know it's my job to be excited about UMP's events, but I'm excited about this event.

It's always exciting to see a community get behind an event.

And when I say community, I mean the faculty and staff at U of Wpg's Oral History Centre, who offered us a classroom for the event.

I mean Judy Da Silva, who agreed to drive three plus hours to Winnipeg for the event and Susanne McCrea of the Boreal Forest Network and Thor Aitkenhead of the film Scars of Mercury, who've agreed to speak.

I mean everyone who pitched in to help us promote the event, activists and academics alike.

UMP decided to publish the Canadian edition of Anna Willow's Strong Hearts, Native Lands because her history of Grassy Narrows First Nation's activism is a local story. It is a story that needed to made available to other local communities.

I've enjoyed working on this book for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is because it spends so much time in the boreal forest.

And I'll look forward to sitting behind the book table at this event, listening to all the impassioned voices at this last UMP event of the season.

See you there?

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