Sunday, June 23, 2013

wet cluster

All photos Assiniboine Forest, Winnipeg, MB. June 22, 2013.

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M was working Saturday afternoon, so I hauled the girl to the forest. And it was steamy hot and buggy under the trees, which felt strange for us, after a loooong cool spring.

We'd brought along just-in-case bug spray and had to use it twice. Even so, the girl had to march up and down the path when I wanted to stop and take a picture so she wouldn't be swarmed.

It was a good session for oyster mushrooms. I saw four wet clusters as we walked and then the girl and I traded sightings: she saw the hatful of stinkhorns past-their-prime (i.e. flaccid and stinky) and I saw the tips of the mushrooms that look like teeth emerging from the ground.

And there were heaps of warty old toadstools to the side of the path which I didn't bother shooting.

Normally, I only do the everyday loop with the girl, but, somehow, I didn't feel finished, so I hauled her around the pond too. And we saw enormous black tadpoles swimming in the shallows as a goddamn reward.

And then we ran home and showered away the sweat and the bug spray and laid naked under the ceiling fan and read our books until M got home.

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