Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ad copy

So Julia Michaud, the designer that I worked with on the JackPine chapbook How to Prepare for Flooding, will have an ad for her company Instant Noodles in the next issue of Winnipeg lit-mag Prairie Fire

(Julia has done a pile of work for PF, including a poster or two for their annual contests.)

Anyways, she wanted good tag lines, given that the readers of PF are among the literati... she polled all the smart asses on her friends list on FB.

This one was mine but also in the running were:

"You CAN judge a book by its cover" by PJ Burton, frontman for Chocolate Bunnies from Hell


"We don't do noodles. You don't do design. (Let's each do what we're good at)" by Perry Grosshans of THIN AIR, Winnipeg International Writers Festival.

I've always wanted to write ad copy! (Not really, but it is nice to work with Julia again, if only fleetingly...)

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