Wednesday, March 27, 2013


(clockwise from left) Chestnuts from Jake Kennedy's yard in Kelowna, a bone bone-folder and a plastic bone-folder from Jason Dewinetz' letterpress bunker in Vernon, ENORMOUS rosehips from an ENORMOUS old rosebush on the Bishop Wild Bird Sanctuary aka Laisha Rosnau's yard in Vernon, and a wooden type block from the letterpress demo at the Word Ruckus in Kelowna.

* * *

I just got back from two readings in BC's interior to celebrate my upcoming Kalamalka Press chapbook, How to Make a Collage.

In addition to the readings, one of whom was with a pile of people and the other of which was with Gillian Wigmore, who I met years ago at the Banff Centre and who has done some pretty marvelous things since then...

In addition to the readings, I ALSO got to spend time with each of the people who contributed to the chapbook: the judges (organizers/editors/emcees) who selected it, the designer/students who 'set it in metal,' and the man it was named for...

And it was SUCH a goddamn pleasure.

More later, but for now: Yay! Fun! (And, always, thank you...)

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