Friday, June 7 2013, 7:30 p.m.
Planet Earth Poetry Reading Series
Moka House, #103, 1633 Hillside Ave.
$3 (after open mic)
Writers attending Congress 2013, showcase your work at Planet Earth Poetry's June 7th open mic. Poets, fictionists, and creative nonfiction practitioners are equally welcome.

The evening's featured readers are Manitoba's Ariel Gordon, Malahat #182 contributor Cody Klippenstein, and Malahat board members Iain Higgins and Eric Miller.
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Ariel Gordon is a Winnipeg writer. Her first book of poetry, Hump (Palimpsest Press, 2010), won the Aqua Books Lansdowne Prize for Poetry, and her second, How to Pack Without Overpacking, is slated for publication in 2014. Most recently, she won Kalamalka Press' inaugural John Lent Poetry-Prose Award. The resulting letterpress chapbook, How to Make a Collage, will be launched at this reading. When not being bookish, Ariel likes tromping through the woods and taking macro photographs of mushrooms.
Cody Klippenstein's fiction has appeared in the Spring 2013 issue (#182) of The Malahat Review, Joyland, The Fiddlehead, and Zoetrope: All-Story as the winner of its 2012 short fiction contest selected by Karen Russell. She currently lives in Victoria, BC, where she is at work on a novel, and will be an MFA candidate at Cornell University this fall.
Iain Higgins is a writer, translator, critic, and teacher. His books include Then Again (poems), The Invention of Poetry (a translation of Polish poet Adam Czerniawski’s selected poems), The Book of John Mandeville (a translation of a fictional medieval travel book about the East), and Writing East: The “Travels”’ of Sir John Mandeville (an academic study). His poems have appeared in Best Canadian Poetry in English 2008 and Rocksalt: An Anthology of Contemporary BC Poetry, and his creative nonfiction has appeared in Maisonneuve. He is currently finishing a new book of poems and working on a novel. He teaches in the English department and in the Medieval Studies Program at UVic.
Eric Miller has published three books of poetry, Song of the Vulgar Starling, In the Scaffolding, which was nominated for the 2006 ReLit ward, and A Day in Moss. His book of lyric essays, The Reservoir, was short-listed for the 2007 Hubert Evans Award. He has published two book-length translations: Bettina Klix's Rapture of the Depths and We Are Like Fire, which collects writings by Wilhelm Waiblinger and Hermann Hesse on Friedrich Hoelderlin. Eric’s work has appeared in The Antigonish Review, Books in Canada, Brick, Canadian Literature, Columbia, Descant, The Fiddlehead, Ploughshares, Queen's Quarterly, and Vallum. He sits on the poetry board of The Malahat Review and teaches English at the University of Victoria.
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