Wednesday, December 20, 2006

trading art

Here are slightly incomplete versions of my artist trading cards for the upcoming Manitoba/Alberta textile artist/poet exchange.

In order to make up the difference between standard business card stock (2 x 3.5") [that I printed the image/text composites on] and standard ATC size (2.5 x 3.5"), I revisited what is for me a familiar but not recently practised technique - collage.

Substitution 01 - photo/text by Mike Deal/Ariel Gordon

I would up using a variety of paper samples M had gotten somewhere years ago. Both of us had been excited about the potential use of the paper over the years but hadn't found a specific use, so it was sort of fun to pull it out.

The day the ATCs were due, I had another pressing deadline, so M helped me to assemble my cards, which allowed him to play with the paper and also, more importantly, to contribute to the project in yet another way.

Substitution 02 - photo/text by Ariel Gordon

I say yet another way because the duck image I used in Substitution 01 is his, taken during the same walk that produced this image.

He also did me the great favour of processing the images in Photoshop, donning yet another his hats (he works part of the time as Assistant Photo Editor for the Winnipeg Free Press, where he is responsible for selecting/processing the photos that appear in the newspaper).

I enjoy working with M on these types of projects - even if it sometimes involves shouting - because it tends to re-energize each of our individual art practices.

On that walk, for instance, M was happy to take the day off from shooting, but when we'd stopped because I wanted to take pictures of something, he saw his own shot and was equally happy to grab the camera.

And while I enjoyed the process and am even happy with the finished product, I'm greatly looking forward to the 16 other ATCs I'm due.


(And also thanks to M!)

(And also thanks to Sharon Caseberg, who organized the swap...)

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