Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hands on: Bertrand Nayet

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Bertrand Nayet is a Franco-Manitobain poet and organizer. My favourite title of his is "secrétaire perpétuel du Collectif post-néo-rieliste."

Over the last year, Bertrand has organized a variety of French literary events at Aqua. He is polite, even courtly...and generous.

(He not only bought my book but has been one of the lovely people who has quoted my lines back to me. Which is such a shivery treat, if you know what I mean...)

So much so that when I asked tonight if I could do a portrait of his hands he nodded sagely and plunked his long thin hands down on one of Aqua's old typewriters.

So much so that he didn't feel the impulse to explain the origin of his missing thumb.

And so, in addition to taking this picture, I also took the tiniest part of his grace...and didn't ask.

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Né à Auxerre (France) en 1962, Bertrand Nayet réside à St-Norbert au Manitoba. Il a publié nouvelles, récits et poèmes dans diverses revues et recueils. Il a aussi écrit du théâtre, créé des mises en scène et joué plusieurs rôles pour diverses troupes du Manitoba. Il est l’animateur, un des pères fondateurs et secrétaire perpétuel du Collectif post-néo-rieliste, un regroupement de créateurs franco-manitobains. Il collabore à la programmation du Foyer des Écrivains, la partie francophone du Winnipeg International Writers’ Festival.

La lune en mille gouttes
(Les Editions David, 2009) est son deuxième recueil de haïkus.

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