Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pano at the Black Sheep

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M went quiet for long minutes, over breakfast at the Black Sheep, our favourite breakfast place when it's just the two of us, as he took and then processed this panorama.

I have two thoughts regarding this image:

1) "M and his bloody devices!" (Though I do benefit from it, I'm rich in profile pics if nothing else...)

2) "I suppose I should figure out what I'm reading tonight/tomorrow/the next day, huh..."

The latter is because I've three readings in three days, starting tonight at Aqua with Chandra Mayor and Gillian Sze, then one Friday and Saturday nights at the League of Canadian Poets Conference in Toronto.

And I haven't even packed yet. Frocks and plane clothes and scarves, oh my!


gillian sze said...

You are one busy woman!
Can't wait for tonight! x

Jenny said...

Fantastic shot!

Brenda Schmidt said...

Great pic!

Ariel Gordon said...

Thanks, you three. (When shall we three meet again?)