Friday, March 25, 2011

Oracular poets

Clockwise from top: poet Charles Leblanc with FemRev collective member Sarah, performance artist Shawna Dempsey with poet Bernadette Wagner, SD with poet Jenn Still, my spread as revealed by CL.

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We had two separate tarot card stations at this past week's LCP fundraiser.

I missed getting my cards read when the Winnipeg Tarot Co was up and officially running and so it was beyond nifty to have Charles next manuscript's fortune.

I didn't mean to do it, but when Charles asked me to think on a question, all I could think on was my Edisonia, how the next year, the rhythms of work-for-money and writing-work, might go.

And so, I'd like to express my thanks to Charles and Shawna for the (tarot) readings!

(Thanks to EVERYONE who attended, who volunteered, who donated items for the raffle...special thanks to Bernadette Wagner and Jenn Still, who made special efforts to be there and share their work with us.)

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