Sunday, March 13, 2011

very very early...

So when the CBC Weekend Morning Show producers track you down and invite you to an very very early in-studio interview, you don't say no.

Even if they feel they have to warn you, TWICE, that this is "a family show..."


NOTE TO SELF: Don't try to read a poem you've never performed when you've got an incipient migraine AND have lost an EXTRA hour of sleep because of bloody daylight savings time and it's early to begin with.

But all of that said, it was lovely being able to murmur in the ear of those people still-lightly-dozing and those already-awake-for-hours.


And I have the CBC and Agatha Moir, whose voice was infinitely comforting oh so early in the morning, to thank for it.

Yay! Fun!

And yes, I did go back to bed after the show.

p.s. Audioboo only allows you to upload files to a max of five minutes. Real life is longer than five minutes, so I've uploaded part one and part two for your listening pleasure....

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