Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Staggered out of McNally Robinson two nights ago, arms full.

I'd been eyeing many of these titles for weeks but it took the nudge of a duo of Dempster dos - and a birthday cheque or two - to provoke a spree:

Collected Poems - Robert Lowell ed. by F. Bidart and D. Gewanter
Collected Poems - Ted Hughes ed. by Paul Keegan
The Burning Alphabet by Barry Dempster
The Words Wanting Out by Barry Dempster
Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman

And so, after spending my lunch hour with one hand on the spine of a book and the other on the spine - or foot - or arm - of baby, and my evening parked on the couch, surrounded by books, I can't decide whether baby's as heavy as the Hughes...or the Lowell.


Ariel Gordon said...

Oooh, the spree continues...just signed up for the Coach House Spring Poetry Committment.

Here's a description of said committment from the CH website:

"April is Poetry Month, so settle down with some Coach House verse! For a sweet sixty bucks, shipping and taxes included, you’ll get Sylvia Legris’s Griffin Poetry Prize-nominated Nerve Squall, Margaret Christakos’s Lowther-nominated Sooner, as well as all three of our spring 2006 poetry titles. Sina Queyras's Lemon Hound is a poetry not of snapshots or collages but of long-exposed captures of the not-so-still lives of women; Jon Paul Fiorentino's The Theory of the Loser Class documents the tribulations and insecurities of everyone’s inner geek; and in a.rawlings's Wide slumber for lepidopterists, language cocoons itself, dreams itself, lures you with a promise of wings toward the killing jar."

Brenda Schmidt said...

Good deal!

Ariel Gordon said...

Good review of the Rawlings, Fiorentino, and Queyras in today's Books Section of the G&M.