Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Books + bed

I bought a set of Umbra's Conceal book shelves from the U of M Bookstore in November, thinking it might be fun to stack the traditional dusty-piles-next-to-my-bed on the wall instead.

We finally put the shelves up on good Friday while also opening up the balcony off our bedroom. Which really just means making M go get the patio furniture from the garage, hauling it upstairs, and peering at the browned skeletons of herbs in the various containers stacked in the corners.

Now, this isn't a long-term solution to the lack of storage space in this house, but...it's kind of fun: Books! On the Wall!

Except that I might literally get brained by some of Canada's best writers, should the shelf on my side of the book fail.

‎"She died in her sleep...after a stack of books fell on her."

But barring braining, I'm enjoying having friends and colleagues look over my shoulder when I do my before-bed reading.

(For the record, my books are on the left and M's on the right. His books tend to have LARGE TITLES so it's easier to see what, precisely, he's reading. Or will be reading...)

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